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by Paul Robinson, CEO
   In this edition of Voice magazine, we launch our UK-wide Nigeria church resources, as we dedicate three months, April to June, to feature the lives of faithful Christians there.
by their faith also. I had the privilege of preaching in one small village church which had been damaged by fire in an attack. Our team had expected a few dozen locals to attend the service so you can imagine my surprise when I stood up to speak and saw about 500 people all staring at me expectantly. I hope my message encouraged them as much as they encouraged me simply by being there to worship God after suffering such immense trauma. If you ever needed proof of the power of the gospel, here it was: believers who had lost everything yet were still coming to church to praise their Saviour!
Equally inspiring is the story of our sister Fenny from Indonesia (see page 14) who suffered horrendous injuries in a bomb explosion at her church and yet has forgiven her attackers, and even met with former terrorists. ‘I did not want revenge because I know God had a plan. I never felt bitterness towards them,’ she said.
I recently returned from a ministry trip in Nigeria where I had the great privilege of meeting many persecuted Christians; brothers and sisters who live in and around the north, northeast, and central areas. They are facing a continued, huge assault on their lives for being Christians, many of them in constant danger as they remain faithful in prayer and to the gospel.
I listened to our partners, Mark Lipdo of Stefanos Foundation, and Archbishop Ben Kwashi, as they described what they feel to
be a ‘jihad’; a sustained, planned and direct attack from Islamic extremists specifically aimed at Christians. It was very easy for
me to agree with them as I stood alongside, and prayed with, people whose homes have been burned down, whose bodies have been wounded by machetes, and whose loved ones have been killed by the attackers. As you read the stories of the Nigerian Christians I met, please join with Release International, and use our resources – in your church, and among your family and friends – to raise the voice of Nigerian believers being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.
As you are moved by their stories be inspired
We also hear from church leaders who describe life for Christians under occupation in Ukraine (see page 16). At the end of the feature one villager tells a pastor: ‘We have no shops, no chemist, no water, but I praise Jesus that he has protected my house.’ The pastor says: ‘They have taught me how to be thankful.’
Are you inspired by your persecuted family?
Wow! What a family we belong to!
Cover photo: Rose Tagwi © Release International 2023

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