Page 9 - Voice of the Persecuted Christians - Jan-Mar 2022 - 121
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the same time also praying for help.
‘I was so scared. I said I cannot do this on my own as I am overwhelmed with fear but God gave me a vision: a man, who looked like Jesus, was holding
a girl child in his arms. The girl was happy and having fun but when I looked at the man he was in deep distress because he was protecting her from the beating. His mind was 100 per cent focused on protecting the little girl, then as they beat me I thought the stick is not falling on me but on Jesus, so I was able to endure the beating.
‘Sometimes they made us roll on thorns as they beat us. I knew I could not do
it alone but God enabled me. I had a wound on my thigh for many years afterwards. He was always with me
‘They hit me everywhere on my body and when I reached the place that I could not tolerate it any more I fainted. But they would wake me up. They were trying to get me semi-conscious so I would sign their document. When I said I had nothing to say the beating would continue and I would lose consciousness again.
‘The third time this happened I saw my soul separated from my body, I heard angelic songs and fresh air on my face. I experienced joy I cannot explain. When I woke up it was the hardest thing as I was in a heavenly state and then surrounded by these men. I asked God: “Why did you bring me back? It’s
Helen Berhane’s inspiring testimony is available at
God never promised that we would not suffer in this world but, says Twen, ‘Christian prisoners will be thinking: “How can all this suffering of ours be turned to the good?” Pray that they can see an answer.
‘I always pray that the same grace that sustained me will sustain them in their suffering; that they can rejoice. Our suffering in this world is very brief and passes quickly but God sees the eternal glory when he looks at us. He focuses on the eternal joy.’
in the suffering so even in that we are victorious.’
Because the guards believed that Twen was the leader of the group and convincing others not to renounce their faith they beat her even more harshly.
better to be with you.” But it was not possible, and I started to give up hope.’
one but the other was too big to kill
so we prayed David’s prayer when he faced Goliath: “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but
I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel.”
‘When we proclaimed this word our fear disappeared. One of the guards had heard the noise and came to see what was happening. The large cobra was next to me and about to strike – I was in so much pain that I could not move – but the guard just ran away and left us. “Ok, go but at least leave us your stick and flashlight!” pleaded my companion.
‘As the snake was about to spit venom we proclaimed David’s word and then the girl hit it on the head. It threw its whole body at us but I used the stick to fix it against the wall and we were able to kill it. God saved us. When the
Twen’s condition was so bad that
she had to be carried to her cell. The prison governor told her she would die unless she went to hospital but that she needed to renounce her faith before she could go. Twen refused.
‘Another girl and I who had been beaten were taken back to the underground cell. I was in and out of consciousness. We were so in pain and tired that we slept side by side. While we were lying there I felt a sting on my foot in the dark; it was different to the usual bites of mice, and when the girl lit a match we saw that it was a snake!
‘When the girl lit the match, we saw two more snakes of the same species but one was a big yellow cobra! The sister with me hit the snakes with a broom and managed to kill the smaller
   Continued overleaf...

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