Page 2 - Voice of the Persecuted Christians - Oct-Dec 2022 - 120
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by Paul Robinson, CEO
   I am inspired by Christians in China. In fact
if you read the feature on page 6 I think it
is impossible not to be. When I read how a believer refused to hand over his Bible to prison guards and paid for it with his life I am moved beyond words. Does the Bible mean that much to me? It also makes me ask: what would I have done in that situation? Those are not comfortable questions but I am grateful to be challenged by such faith.
God and it tells me that in a similar situation – and even in the day-to-day challenges – He will give me the grace to put Him first. I do not need to wonder whether I will be strong enough to stand up under any persecution that might come. As the apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 1 they even despaired of life so that they had to trust in God. That is what is being lived out by our brothers and sisters around the world today.
I am also encouraged by the testimony of Christian lawyers in China who are willing to sacrifice their freedom and be separated from their loved ones to bring about freedom for others. Would I be willing to pay the same price?
So when you read about the trials and challenges faced by Christians, don’t ask yourself whether you would be able to respond in the same way. Instead be inspired that around the world today God is equipping his saints to endure, even to the end, when from a human perspective it is not possible.
Again if we’re honest that is not easy to answer. However, I believe they are able to do this because of two things: first they have their eyes on a higher prize. According to our partner
There’s a fantastic opportunity to hear our partner Bob Fu speak in person in the UK in early October. See page 21 for more details. Bob will be sharing how Christians are living for Jesus in the face of growing oppression in China. It would be great to see you at one of the venues or, if you can’t make any of those, online on October 7.
Bob Fu of ChinaAid under current projections and if persecution continues at the same level as currently then China will have the largest number of Christians of any country by the end of the decade.
Similarly when I hear that the last words of believers in North Korea faced with death at the hands of their interrogators were a plea to ‘worship God’ I am humbled by such sacrificial faith. Their story is on page 11.
Please use the enclosed leaflet to order
your Christmas cards and gifts and so help persecuted believers. NB: you can order these items online, over the phone or by post but please make sure to use the contact details as given on the leaflet.
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Secondly what it also says to me, however, is that humanly speaking it is impossible to respond
as our brothers and sisters in China and North Korea and many other countries do. It is all of
How would I respond if persecuted?

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