Page 3 - Persecution-Trends-Report-2024
P. 3
Our partner said: ‘We know that our
tears and pain are noticed, and we
appreciate your love and concern
for the persecuted body of Christ in
Afghanistan. Thank you for your faithful
prayers, support, and encouragement
for Afghan believers in Afghanistan and
those displaced to nearby countries.’
For our partner’s follow-up and
discipleship team members who
engage over the phone and on
social media with Afghan believers.
Listening to the problems, stresses
and trauma of Afghan seekers and
Christians every day can weigh them
For believers who depend on the
daily radio, satellite-TV and online
Christian programmes that help
to feed and encourage them; that
they can access them safely. Pray for
the new radio programmes being
prepared in 2024
On August 16, in Jaranwala, a violent
mob burned 23 churches and 80
houses simply because of a false
accusation against two brothers.
This incident not only affected the
Jaranwala Christian community but
caused a different type of fear among
believers all over Pakistan.
Christians are facing another year of
suffering as government complacency
at a federal and local level emboldens
the various Islamist terrorist groups
operating in central and northeast
Nigeria, our partner believes.
‘Persecution continues to spread to
many rural communities that have been
attacked previously. Though the attacks
on large communities to inflict large
casualties have subsided, the persistent
killing of small groups and individuals
continue to spread across the central
regions of southern Kaduna, Benue,
Plateau and Taraba states.
‘This is because the old jihadi rule of
engagement continues to play out,
attacking Christian communities and
dispossessing them of their lands by
destroying their food supplies and
forcing them to convert or flee.’
During 2023, villages and communities
were persistently attacked, with more
than 6,000 people estimated to have
been killed by Islamist Fulani militia
and other terrorists. Fulani have forced
Christian villages to pay millions
of naira in order not to be attacked
but, even when some have paid, the
terrorist groups have still raided
them, especially in southern Kaduna.
Christians have been kidnapped for
ransom, while many farmlands were
deliberately destroyed by the Fulani to
force the villages to either flee or face
Our partner said the terrorist groups,
which include Boko Haram, are
More than 20 churches were destroyed in a mob attack on Jaranwala Christian community in August
Photo: Aid to the Church in Need
After this incident, Christians were
threatened even in remote areas of
Pakistan, which went unreported
in the media. In Lahore a Christian
working at a hospital was dismissed
just for visiting Jaranwala to see the
burned churches. Incidents like this
increased in August as stories of false
accusations appeared every day.
On the whole, persecution is growing
gradually, most notably in the rise in
false cases of blasphemy, our partner
said. ‘Mischievous behaviour against
Christians is increasing. If someone gets
to know about any Christian’s identity,
their behavior towards that person
‘Due to the rise in persecution,
Christians are losing their jobs as
well. They are suffering because of
their joblessness and those who are
still working among the majority
community fear losing their job; it is
likely to remain the same in 2024.
Even Christian children face bullying
in schools.
‘We should keep praying for our
brothers and sisters who are struggling
every day.’
For protection for Christians
especially in areas that have seen
unrest such as Jaranwala
For provision for believers
particularly those who have lost jobs
as a result of their faith
That God brings more people into
His kingdom through our partner’s