
PRAYER ALERT: Attacks on Christians a ‘calculated manipulation’

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The recent mob attack in Pakistan, which saw the death of a Christian shoe factory owner, was a ‘calculated’ and ‘manipulative’ assault, according to a human rights commission investigation.

As Release International reported last month, Nazeer Gill was beaten and his factory set ablaze after a neighbour falsely accused him of desecrating the Koran. He later died in hospital of his injuries.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, which investigated the incident, has concluded that it was a ‘calculated assault, manipulated through religious fervour to gain maximum leverage.’

The incident may have started due to a dispute Nazeer’s family had with their neighbours, in Sargodha’s Mujahid colony, in the Punjab. But, as the human rights report notes, an announcement over the local mosque quickly charged up a mob of around 2,000 people, demanding the death of Nazeer. As well as attacking Nazeer they vandalised his home and factory.

Around 150-200 Christian families lived in the Mujahid colony, among roughly 2,000 Muslim families. Christian community members voiced concerns about their safety to return to the colony after the incident.

A prominent poster of the Muslim extremist political party Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) outside Nazeer’s neighbour’s shop indicated possible political motivations behind the attack, the report suggested. ‘Strict action should be taken against political parties that use blasphemy allegations as a tool for political purposes,’ the report states.

The human rights commission’s review, which was reported by Christian Daily International-Morning Star News, comes as Release International’s latest Appeal is urging supporters in the UK to support Christians who suffer violence and oppression.

See below to read of another Christian in Pakistan who suffered false accusations, and to give to help oppressed Christians.

(Source: Christian Daily International-Morning Star News)


Please help Christians who suffer violence and oppression for their faith in Jesus today.

Avidan Oppression Appeal 799x440px BorderAvidan still remembers the terrible ordeal of being falsely accused of abducting his children, after his Muslim wife left him. And even today his life remains difficult and dangerous.

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