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Release International’s annual Persecution Trends report is becoming a milestone in the media.

Each year, Release International consults its partners, experts and leaders working on the ground in their nations, to look ahead to catch the winds of change for the coming year in their countries.

Our Persecution Trends report is published in the current edition of Voice magazine, available on the website, and can also be downloaded separately.

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For 2023, Persecution Trends highlights Nigeria as its country of key concern. And Release International is making the country the focus of a major campaign this year.

Election violence

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Nigeria is gripped by violence, which is often targeted against Christians by Islamist militants. The country is facing an election in February. Past elections have often been marked by violence.

Release International’s partner in Nigeria warns the nation is at a pivotal point in its history. He says, ‘The election will determine whether the nation grows or disintegrates.’

Increasingly, it is Christians who are being targeted by forces determined to tear the country to pieces.

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Part of Release International’s mandate is to amplify the voice of persecuted Christians in the media.

Our Persecution Trends report became the lead story in Christian Today and on Revelation TV’s flagship programme, The Persecuted Church.

We gave interviews to Premier Radio, UCB, Trans World Radio, and others.

‘Speak up’

Proverbs 31: 8 tells us to speak up for those who have no voice. Release international is committed to do that, as effectively and as widely as possible.

To that end, we produce a monthly video Persecution Report, which is syndicated around the world. You can watch the latest, which is based on Persecution Trends, by clicking on the play button below.

There are many more stories featuring the courage and determination of our persecuted brothers and sisters in Voice magazine. Voice is available in printed and online versions from our website.