Threatened and Beaten by Extremists

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Threats of violence are forcing a growing number of Pakistani Christians to seek refuge in Thailand. Your support provides pastoral care and practical help to those who have lost everything.

Ron owned and directed a successful Christian TV channel in Pakistan. Then extremists demanded that he take the channel off air.

At first, he complied, but later felt it was his duty to keep on broadcasting. After he went back on air the extremists returned and destroyed his office.

Pak Thai map

They dragged Ron into the street and beat him badly. They threatened to kill him and his family – and brought false charges of blasphemy against him.

In the following days, the extremists continued to threaten Ron, wife Miriam and their three children. So they had no choice but to flee Pakistan for Thailand.

Thanks to your support, however, Ron and his family now have food and shelter, and all three of the children (pictured above) are able to attend school.

Love Overcomes

When Kandice fell in love with Peter, she was a Muslim, but converted to Christianity before they married.

Her family were so enraged that to preserve ‘honour’ Kandice’s brother tried to kill them.

Now considered an apostate, Kandice knew that she and Peter would never be safe in Pakistan again so, like Ron and Miriam and their three children, they also fled to Thailand.

Since then, they have had two children. Without official papers, they are in constant danger of arrest by immigration police. If caught, they could be jailed and held indefinitely in appalling conditions.

Thanks to your support, our partner in Thailand is empowering Peter and Kandice to teach refugee children who are unable to go to school, and providing pre-school materials for their daughter, Elizabeth.

(Names have been changed.)

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